Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

49 The secret to boosting your online biz, offline with Shannan Scott

You’ve probably heard that businesses are built on relationships. Probably so much that you go, yeah that’s nice, but what does that even MEAN?! Practically speaking, how does it work? What are the actions I should be taking to make in-person networking work for my online biz? How will I know when it’s working and how will it pay off in the long run? So today, we’re breaking it down for you. We’re talking about why “in real life” marketing in an online world matters more today than ever before. If the idea of getting out there and talking. to. people. makes you cringe or worse, want to go and hide, then this episode is for you. We’re diving into how to cultivate the mindset you need to market your business through real, genuine relationships and how in-person networking can actually be the path of least resistance and yield more immediate results. Seriously, this episode is so juicy you’re going to want to start applying this to your business TODAY.

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