Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

52 The mindset shift you need to show up consistently in your marketing to create more leads and sign more clients with Amanda Joyce Weber

There is a huge gap in the business coaching industry right now. Everyone is really quick to tell you what you ‘should’ be doing to grow your biz, without helping you to cultivate the mindset you need to actually show up for it. This is literally the single most important thing I dive into with my clients because when they do the thought work to show up for their biz more than ever before they always see WAY more results because of it. So whether you’ve struggled to create a marketing plan that feels aligned to what you want and how you want to create it, or you have the plan and just haven’t been able to take consistent action towards it, this episode is for you. I’m letting you in on the mindset shift that changed everything for me so I could generate more leads and get more paying clients than ever before, plus what you can do to put this to practice in your business this week.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

51 Creating a core message that converts sales with Amanda Joyce Weber

I struggled for the longest time to actually talk about what it is that I do. And it’s no surprise that my own mindset and lack of clarity showed up in every aspect of my business, from what my title even was to how to attract and convert paying clients. Luckily, I stayed on that struggle bus for way too long so you don’t have to. Today, I’m going deep on how to create a core message that actually sells and the mindset you need to talk about what you do, PLUS how those two go hand-in-hand to get you more cash and clients in your business. This small and mighty piece of a rock-solid marketing plan will help you to cultivate confidence, gain visibility, create content, streamline your offers, and get paid. So whether you’re just starting, embracing a pivot, or a well-seasoned business owner, you’re going to love the simple, actionable tips I dish out in this episode.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

50 How to solve more of the right problems in your biz and see more results with Amanda Joyce Weber

You guys know that I love hopping on coaching calls with my audience. But one of the reasons that I’m so freakin’ passionate about these calls is because I see too many people piling on solution after solution in their biz, without clarity around what the real problem is that they’re trying to solve for. And spoiler alert: whatever is being marketed to you in your Facebook ads may have nothing to do with what’s actually holding you back in biz. So today I want to go deep on what your biggest challenge is in business right now (and what it’s not!) so you can cultivate the mindset you need to work on THAT thing. If you’re someone who feels like you’re constantly throwing spaghetti at the wall in your biz or you’ve invested in courses or programs but haven’t seen the results you want, then this episode is for you. Together, let’s get to the bottom of what’s really holding you back in your biz so you can cultivate the mindset you need to tackle it NOW and see real results faster because of it.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

47 Make massive strides in your business using stretch goals (and exactly how I did it myself) with Amanda Dennelly

There was a three-week span between my wedding and my honeymoon when I decided to do something crazy. I decided I was going ALL IN on my latest business efforts. I was on an absolute effing mission to create more impact and income and I was willing to show up in a way that I hadn’t before. Don’t get me wrong, things were good. Clients were happy. The business was chugging along. But I knew that I had been holding myself back from what was possible for me in my biz. I knew that if I committed to showing up on a whole new level, I would see a whole new level of results. And that’s exactly what happened, in a way that was way easier and more aligned than I could have ever expected. So in today’s episode, we’re going deep on how setting a stretch goal in my business allowed me to step into the mindset I needed to book more clients than ever before and how you can apply this same thinking to your business RIGHT NOW for more results (more quickly).

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

46 The one shift you need to get more done in less time with Amanda Dennelly

Are you drowning in a sea of to-dos without any real plan of how you’re going to get it all done? Or maybe you feel like there’s just never enough time in the day and you can never quite catch up. Perhaps you feel like your home life is constantly getting in the way of your biz or vice versa. Well, in today’s episode, I’m taking you behind the scenes of my own life and biz and dishing out the one mindset shift you need to ditch your mile-long to-do list and set an intentional schedule you can actually stick to. Not only that, but this is the exact strategy I help my clients shift their mindset around in my signature coaching program, Future You, to completely transform how they manage their time and money to put their energy toward more of the right things and see more results. If you’re someone who feels constantly overwhelmed by all the things there are to do or don’t feel like you’re making real, meaningful progress toward your goals (and the financial results that come with them!), today’s episode is going to blow your mind.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

45 How waiting for the right time is killing your confidence and holding you back in biz with Amanda Dennelly

When it comes to taking big, scary actions in business, you probably feel like you have really good reasons for not moving forward quite yet. And girl, I get it. It can be so easy to tell yourself that “it isn’t the right time” or “there’s simply too much going on right now.” It’s those very thoughts that are holding you back from doing that Facebook Live, starting that podcast, or writing your truth, even when deep down you know THOSE are the things that will bring you closer to the dreamy goals you have. So today, I’m diving into the business actions I’ve taken despite less than perfect timing and how I was able to do it. And I pinky promise I’m not a magical unicorn, and you can apply this very same thought work to your biz starting now. You’ll walk away from this episode with the mindset shift you need to cultivate more confidence and take action despite challenges and rather than waiting for the right time. If you’re someone who has been putting off taking big steps forward in your biz because it’s scary, uncomfortable, or you’re really busy, this episode is for you.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

44 The mindset you need to see more results in less time when coming back from vacay with Amanda Dennelly

Some of the most amazing ideas I’ve ever had in my business happen during or after a vacation. Because let’s face it, staring at a blinking cursor isn’t exactly as inspiring as jetting off to your next tropical location or spending time with close family and friends on a holiday weekend. THOSE are exactly the kind of soul-inspiring activities that spur some of the best content, strategies, and ideas to implement in your biz. But how do you capitalize on that time away when you get back to your business? How do you give yourself the grace and space you need to get back into the swing of things without sacrificing results? How do you handle the overwhelm that can come with not knowing where to start on that first day back? Today, I’m dishing out my favorite practical tips for boosting your mindset, and consequently, your biz, after you return from vacay so you can give yourself the grace and space you need to get back to it and see more results because of it.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

43 The one affirmation that totally transformed my mindset and allowed me to take two weeks off for my honeymoon with Amanda Dennelly

There was a time when taking two weeks off for my honeymoon would have sent me into a negative thought spiral of fear and self-doubt. But this time it was different. I’ve been doing the mindset work, and I’ve found that there’s a big difference between THINKING about doing a daily mindset practice, and actually doing it. So today, I’m filling you in on my incredible honeymoon and I’m going deep on the one affirmation that’s changed absolutely everything for me in both life and business. I talk about how this one thought allowed me to step away, be present, feel happier, and actually ENJOY this amazing time away instead of feeling riddled with fear that clients would dry up while I was gone. If you’re someone who wants to uplevel their mindset but is unsure of the daily actions you can take to start seeing more of the results you want, then you are absolutely going to love the practical tips I dish out in this episode to bring you more success that actually FEELS like success that you can implement right now (including using this affirmation daily!).

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

39 The ONE thought I shifted to have more fun and make more money in my biz while planning my wedding with Amanda Dennelly

I think any bride will tell you that managing your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions while planning a wedding is one thing. But also fielding the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of others brings it to a whole new level. If I’m being honest, this was probably the most difficult for me. So today, I’m diving into the very thought work I did to stop driving myself insane during my 6-month engagement. It was the same thought work I did to start showing up in my business on a whole new level, so I could enjoy more of the process and consequently, experience more success. If you’re someone who has trouble showing up, promoting your offers, and making sales because of fears about what others will think, this episode is an absolute gold mine for you. You’ll get out of your own way faster than ever before and lean into the one thing you CAN control in your life and business: YOU. Plus, you'll make way more money and experience way more joy BECAUSE of it.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

33 Mastering your money mindset so you can make more of it in your biz with Amanda Dennelly

You guys know that I love hopping on my free Stressed to Success coaching calls with you. But you should also know that the topic of money comes up in almost every free and paid coaching call that I do. And it makes sense right? We’re all in business to make money, doing the things we love doing. Basically living the dream. And while most people shy away from talking about this juicy topic, I could talk about the mindset behind money and making more of it all day long. So today, I’m devoting an entire episode to this topic to shine a light on how the thoughts and stories you have around money are holding you back from making more of it in your biz. If you’re someone who’s struggling to go from simply making enough to MORE THAN enough, this episode is for you!

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

28 Prioritizing the RIGHT actions for more results with Amanda Dennelly

Things over here have felt pretty frickin’ magical lately. I’ve had some serious WINS that I’m celebrating in today’s episode and I’m leaning into creating even more profit and fulfillment in my life and business. But sometimes when people talk about their own successes, your brain can mentally tap out, like, “That’s nice that it’s all sunshine and roses over there, but over here, I’m knee deep in stress and overwhelm and barely keeping it together.” But girl, I’ve been there too. Which is why in today’s episode, we’re talking about how you’re spending your resources (you know, time and money!) to get more of what you want. I’m going deep on the mindset work that has shown me, time and time again, that focusing on my priorities has helped me take more of the RIGHT actions, and see more of the results I actually want. Plus, I’m giving away tips on how you can apply this exact thinking to your business TODAY so you can see more results right NOW.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

23 Why waiting to feel ready is a myth (and how to start seeing results now!) with Amanda Dennelly

It’s so easy to tell yourself the story that you’re not ready to take those big, scary leaps in your business. You may think you need to wait until you have better people skills to go to those in-person events. Or you need to get better at sales before you get on the phone with a potential client. Perhaps that you need to record more videos before you can hop on a Facebook live. Maybe have more experience or certifications before you can raise your rates. But the truth is, so often you master these actions by doing the mindset work necessary to lean into them when they STILL feel uncomfortable. Today we’re diving into how to start before you feel 100% ready and why that will always yield MORE results in your life and business, faster, than waiting for a magical moment of readiness.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

22 Showing up for yourself and your biz (even when it's uncomfortable) with Amanda Dennelly

So many of the creatives and entrepreneurs that I talk to absolutely LOVE the idea of accountability so they can see more of the results they want in their life and business. But what if we started viewing accountability as an inside job? Meaning YOU were the one responsible for following through on the actions that would create more of what you want. Today we talk about what it means to “show up for yourself” the same way you would if there was someone holding you accountable. This mindset shift is an absolute game-changer in helping you to get out of your own way so you can stretch outside your comfort zone, show up for all of it (the good, the bad, and the ugly), and see more money in the bank because of it.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

18 How to actually stick to your goals this year with Amanda Dennelly

How are you feeling about the goals you set for yourself this year? Excited? Overwhelmed? Discouraged? Today we’re taking a deep dive to uncover the thoughts you have about those big, scary goals you set for this year. I want to open you up to a different way of thinking about them so that you can finally set and stick to them. I talk about a mindset shift that will make your goals seem far less overwhelming so that you can achieve more long-term, well past January, and see more of the results you want this year in your balanced life and thriving business.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

15 The mindset shift you need to finally raise your rates with Amanda Dennelly

Raising prices can be a scary thing, but as business owners it’s also essential to growth. And yet, there is so much self-doubt that can creep in and stifle your confidence on the way to more income and more impact. That’s exactly why I’m taking you behind the scenes to talk about the mindset around my own rate increase for my signature program Future You. Together we’ll tackle those mindset gremlins that are holding you back so you can sell from a place of alignment and fulfillment, leaving you with more clients AND more money and not feeling like you're choosing between the two.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

11 Create a morning routine you can stick to for more results in life and business with Amanda Dennelly

You’ve heard about the impact having a set morning routine can have on your own wellbeing and productivity—how it can start your whole day off on the right track leaving you feeling calm, clear, and collected each and every morning. But more than that, a daily practice can shift your entire future by changing the way you start each day. Today we talk about how to create a morning routine you can stick to (even if you haven’t stuck to them in the past!) so you can set yourself up for success and create more of the results you want in life and business. Your beautiful, balanced life and successful, thriving business are so much closer than you might think.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

07 Getting to know your money with Morgaine Trine

As a business owner, chances are you know it’s important that you have tabs on your finances. But I think it’s fair to say that keeping track of your money isn’t exactly the most exciting task. Not to mention the fear that can come up around actually knowing your numbers. It’s easy to see why so many business owners avoid those financial statements until it’s tax time. Today we dispel the “wrath of the IRS” and talk about what you can do to get to know your money so you can lift that weight off your chest and have systems in place to let the money roll in.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

06 The one thought blocking you from incredible results (and how to shift it)

I attended the Being Boss retreat in New Orleans a few weeks ago to connect with other amazing creatives and entrepreneurs, and there was one phrase that kept coming up again and again in conversation. In fact, it come up so often that I’m doing an entire episode about it because I honestly believe this ONE thought is holding you back from experiencing incredible results in life and business. Today we talk about the one phrase that should be banned from your vocabulary and the questions you can ask yourself INSTEAD, so you can stop blocking yourself from some serious growth and start thriving today.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

01 Mindset will be the one thing that upgrades your life and business for good

My dear entrepreneurs! Welcome to One Simple Shift—the show that cuts through the noise and brings you ONE simple, actionable mindset shift to completely transform the way you show up daily so you can create a beautiful, balanced life and successful, thriving business. In this episode, I grab a cup of coffee and chat with you from my Colorado mountain home about my windy path to where I am today. I explain why the thoughts that go through your head each day are essential to your success and how mindset is the MOST important part of getting exactly what you want in life and business.

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