48 Accomplish more of your life and business goals through Brave Fear™️ with Brianne Wik


About this episode

If you’re anything like us, running a business can bring fear to the surface on a whole new level. Sharing your story, launching that offering, or hosting that retreat can take a whole lot of INNER work before you’re able to take action that’s in alignment with what you want. But the thing is, fear never truly goes away. You just become more comfortable doing big things EVEN IF you’re afraid. So in today’s episode, we’re talking about taking brave action right alongside your fear. If you’re someone who has been holding yourself back from the dream that’s on your heart, whether that be in life or business, today’s episode is for you. We dish out actionable tips on how you can feel the fear and do it anyway to get the results of those actions and accomplish more of your goals.

Show notes

In this episode, we chat about:

  • What does Brave Fear™️ mean anyway? We talk about the movement that’s going to help you get to the next level YOU in life and biz

  • The mindset shift that changed absolutely everything for Brianne and made it THAT much easier for her to step into the dream that was on her heart

  • The number one thing you need to know when confronting fear in your business to get more results, faster

  • The specific fears Brianne battled when deciding if she should host her Brave Fear™️ retreat and amazing tips on how to apply this same thought work to your biz to help you step into more of your big business goals

  • The hilarious fear Brianne and Amanda have in common and how they’ve both moved through it in different ways (it's probably one you have to and it's gonna shift on this episode!)

  • The single-best practice Amanda uses to break through her biggest fears in less than ten minutes each day

About Brianne Wik

Brianne is a business and life guidance coach for female entrepreneurs, a motivational speaker and the founder of Brave Fear™️ - the act of taking brave action right alongside your fear. She believes in the power of community and helps women harness the power of Brave Fear to make radical shifts happen in their lives and businesses through her Brave Fear Retreat and 6-month Mastermind.


49 The secret to boosting your online biz, offline with Shannan Scott


47 Make massive strides in your business using stretch goals (and exactly how I did it myself) with Amanda Dennelly