Is it time to feel like you've finally MADE IT?

Join me for Voxer coaching that gives you big results with a smaller price tag

The mindset rollercoaster is real.

When you’re in it, you’re IN it. You’re showing up, posting the things, sharing your offer, and yet… it feels like nothing’s actually working.

That’s when the mental drama kicks in. It sounds like…

“Maybe it’s not the right offer.”

“It’s too expensive.”

“Who am I to help people with this?”

“I should do more market research.”

“They keep booking with someone else.”

“When I rebrand this will sell better.”

“But I followed that course EXACTLY.”

“What if this business never works?”

So you stop posting. You pull back. You take a break until a burst of motivation strikes and you’re ready to start again.

If you’re being honest, nothing about this feels good.

It feels like you’re pouring a lot in with very little to show for it. Knowledge isn’t the problem (you have tons). You tell yourself that you just need to keep going…

Here’s the thing: if what you’re doing isn’t feeling good then it’s almost impossible to stick with for long enough to get the results you want like more clients and cash.

That’s where I come in…

To help you tame the mental drama that’s keeping you in the start-again-stop-again pattern in your business and find what feels good so you can stick with it and get business results that feel even better.

Imagine no longer wondering where the next client is coming from…

I felt like I had finally MADE IT when I had the mindset to sell on rinse and repeat. 

I knew how to show up in a way that felt good to me to land clients—which in turn made the money flow in with that much more ease.

That’s what I want for you too, and it’s why I’m introducing this limited-time MADE IT Voxer coaching package. You’ll get:

  • 3 months of access to me in Voxer (M-F) so we can pinpoint exactly what ISN’T feeling good in your business and shift it ASAP

  • A place to bounce ideas so you can stop thinking (and overthinking) about your next move and have the support to make it happen

  • A safe space to process your mindset blocks when they come up so you’re never left waiting for a session

  • Personalized and specific feedback, tailored to you and your business goals so you can create success that actually feels like success

  • The support to stop feeling like you’re doing all the things and start feeling like you have the clarity, mindset, and energy to take sales actions with far more ease (so you can land more clients and make more money!) 

The truth is that if business isn’t feeling good, it’s time to stop doing what you’re doing and make a change. It all starts with the right support that leads to more sales, more clients, and more of—not only the results—but also the life you're after!

Clients are getting incredible results like

Gaining visibility and feeling more aligned in their marketing.

Selling with more ease than ever before.

Setting BIG “unrealistic” goals and surpassing them.

Booking discovery calls consistently with dream clients.

Getting inquiries in their DMs seemingly “out of nowhere.”

Landing new clients!

Knowing where their next sale is always coming from.

Feeling so much lighter and more grounded overall.

And overall doing the mindset work to feel like they’ve made it NOW.

They’re celebrating wins like…


Voxer Coaching

$499/month + 10% of new revenue
3-month package

If business isn't feeling good then it’s time to stop what you're doing and get the mindset support to create more money and more ease.


I’d love to chat.

Send me a DM on Instagram @amandajoyceweber and I’m happy to answer!

Don’t wait!

Cart closes on March 22nd and spots are limited!

Made It Voxer Coaching

Support begins April 1st and ends July 1st.

It’s time to feel like you’ve MADE IT—both in business AND in life.